Latin Dance Classifications

Originating from Cuba, the cha cha cha is a bright lively and cheeky dance. This is one of the most popular dances for people to learn, especially with the current influence of Latin trends in music.
This is the most earthy and passionate of the Latin dances, and originated in Cuba. The dance relies on the old-age promise of the lady trying to dominate the gentlemen by means of her womanly charms and incorporates all the elements of teasing and withdrawing.
Originates from Brazil where it is a national dance. Many versions of Samba are danced at the local carnival in Rio. To achieve true character of this dance, a dancer must use a pulsing action to accent it’s flirtatious and exuberant interpretation.
Originally a French folk dance now more associated with Spain, the music lends itself to great characterisation. The Paso Doble is based on the bullfight. The man represents the bullfighter, ‘Torero’, and the lady the red cape or ‘cappa’. It is danced to the characteristic march music used for procession at the beginning of a corrida. The dance should be very dramatic.

Jive, a lively and fun dance, originated from the United States from the Jitterbug and Boogie Woogie in the 1940’s.
In the 1880’s the Jitterbug and Boogie Woogie were seen as too exuberant for the ballroom and the dance was gradually tamed and lost the acrobatics.
Jive is characterised by flicks, kicks and strongly emphasised leg rhythms.
Rock ’n’ roll is a gender form of the Lindy Hop and Jitterbug.